Possibly a trump to the Cthulhu baby

The discussion was predominately based on the stats, I mean, sure the sentiment itself is really cute and fun, but we're geeks, we play D&D, we needed to confirm the logic in the numbers.
All of the stats seemed about right except the Armor Class. (and the int, but that's another argument) An AC of 6 seems a bit off for a creature with 3 dex and no armor. Plus you have to ask if a human baby counts as a small creature. Humans by default are medium, whereas things like gnomes and halflings are small. Well this baby is certainly smaller than a hobbit, thus it's natural AC would be higher than a human (probably counting him as being tiny), but it's dex is abysmal, the -4 modifier for dex would drop him to 8AC, because tiny size gives a base natural AC of 12. There is now a good amount of argument over whether the baby gets a dex bonus for becoming tiny (like an adult human shrunk to tiny size) or if the baby would count as blind.
You also have the issue with the baby being prone, and most likely not being able to defend itself.
So then what exactly would combat with this baby be like? By our best estimations the baby would count as an immobilized target and as such could be coup de grace'd. This is easily achieved seeing as how you can enter the baby's tile without drawing any AOO's.
The trick however is that the baby will most likely have numerous henchmen willing to lay their life down in defense of it judging by it's 18 charisma. You would have to go into the situation expecting atleast 2, and possibly more (see: grandparents, siblings, etc...)
It's messed up, I know, but this is what game developers do in their free time.
This isn't nearly as bad as the conversation revolving around who would win in a baby eating contest, Wolverine or Superman. You have the physical capability going to Superman, but the likelihood of actually doing it goes to Wolverine.
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