When Legos meet Gamers

According to the builder Steve Barker of Lair of the Legomancer the project in total took 11 hours to construct, after having to make a bulk order of red and black legos of specific shapes.
For those who don't recognize this fiendishly awesome death weapon, it's none other than a level 3 (see: Fully Upgraded) rocket turret from Team Fortress 2.
The resemblance to the actual 3D model is quite astounding. This guy knows how to build some legos. See, when I was in my lego phase I was lucky if what I was building looked remotely like a boat... my boats often had wheels... and were a myriad of colors as I just had a tub of shapes... and my parents often told me I would never accomplish anything if I approached life with the safe sort of shiftless dedication I approached my lego building with.
Seriously though, I loved legos but they were all pretty weak. Thanks Steve for making me feel inadequate much like my father.
Check out the full site here with plenty of additional pictures.
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