How do you spell sexy

I was recently browsing through digg for god only knows what when I stumbled upon a link to a site I haven't been to in a while. They guys here have recently managed to sandwich pack an xbox in a reasonably portable version. From the pictures the system seems to be about the same size at the standard box, except that it's in a custom case with the Mini PSone screen embedded into it.
This is pretty sexy, it's kinda makes me warm on the inside, but when you make something this large, "portable" is a fairly strong word. I don't see anyone tucking this bad boy into their pocket and taking it on the flight with them.
It is pretty slick how all the cases are custom vacuum molds though, and his NES portable is slick, though the price tag is a bit high to play Super Mario Brothers.
EDIT: Looks like the righteous hammer of God ( has sentenced the servers to be smashed into nonexistence for a while. So take my word for it, the whole process is slick.
looks like the site's been digged to death...
Yep, so links Digg, so crashes server.
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