idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Rein accuses Intel for shoddy PC gaming market

During the Developer's Conference in Brighton yesterday, Epic Games head honcho Mark Rein lashed out at Intel (a top tech company) for "killing" the PC gaming market by releasing pre-built computers with integrated graphic chipsets.

"Integrated graphics cannot compete with the console gaming experience," says Rein. "If you're going to be out there creating these great next-generation games that kick ass and look wonderful, and help to sell these next-gen systems, you're screwed if your customers have Intel integrated graphics."

Basically, Intel has been packaging new PC's at *heaven forbid* affordable prices, with graphics cards basically hard-wired into the system, not allowing for upgrades.

I have a few thoughts on this matter. First off, the average player who will in fact buy one of these systems, won't be playing Gears of War. The type of gamer that Epic is gearing their games towards are much more hardcore players, who know a thing or two about PC's. He should have a little faith in their knowledge.

Secondly, there's no reason Intel should not make lower cost PC's for people that can still run some new games. Sorry, they won't be yours.

Thirdly, perhaps... maybe... you could opt to make a new PC title with *gasp* well thought out gameplay, better content and story as opposed to... say... normal mapping. I know, I know, it's a novel concept. Games are supposed to look pretty. They don't need to be fun to play. Well maybe some companies should rethink their strategy of pushing the visuals and return to some of the basics... actual design. Maybe not all the gamers want to spend $50 on the game they bought 2 years ago with "new and enhanced amazing 3d graphics", oh yeah, and an updated date on the box.

Don't blame the graphics companies for a lull in PC gaming, blame the developers making uninteresting games that require a $3000 system to run them. I'll take a leap of faith and say a good number of the gamers who play these games can't afford to keep up with the system specc escalations being required.




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