Valkyrie Profile Re-release

The game is Valkyrie Profile, a Square Enix title (originally just an Enix title in the 90's), an actiony RPG set within a Norse Mythology setting.
The game was a psuedo-sleeper, resulting in it being one of the power PS1 rarity titles, despite its high reviewer scores. The average going price for a copy of it on Ebay ranges from $100-150USD (another prominent title on the list being Suikoden II averaging $150USD).
Well, Sony has finally been kind enough to release the game again for a new generation so that they can be amazed and awestruck by the beautiful sprite animations at a more affordable price than the current Ebay tags. (yes, I'm a sucker for 2d art) The trick though is that it's being released for the PSP. Damn you Sony! Well... sure, I have a PSP, and I'll be picking it up, and I'd wager so will the 4 other people in the US that own a PSP, but this hurts everyone else. My dreams of everyone knowing how quality this game is are again cast upon the rocks (see: Trojan Women).
But regardless, I'll thank Sony for doing a bit to let the youngins see what games used to be like, prior to the muddling of quality, graphics vs. gameplay. So if you have a PSP (the 3 of you) head down to your local retailer this Wednesday and pick up Valkyrie Profile, you'll not be let down.
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