Moe-tan PSP!

So a while back a book was made to teach Japanese otaku engrish with the help of a little cute anime character named Moe.
Now this book is becoming a PSP title, I mean, it's already filled with pornography, it might as well teach foreign languages right? Yeah, so trading mine in doesn't sound like such a bad idea now.
Well, apparently it uses words in sentences that appeal to the intended audience of otaku, which yields some interesting take on definitions and word usage that only an anime fan would love/understand.
Decide - "Let's decide the supremacy of the Earth by the blows of robots."
quick though - if they don't know what decide means how would they understand supremacy?
Arrest – "the mad scientist was arrested for attempted earth destruction."
Scare – "the angel who lives on his house scared him, because she beat him to death without notice."
And my personal favorite:
Embarrass – "the wrong use of the magic equipment often embarrasses the girl in the bathroom while she is taking a bath."
I mean, wow, sure, these all make sense to me, but damn that's crazy.
More definitions after the jump.
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