idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jack Thompson on G4

This is a fairly interesting idea, take G4, a widely watched video game television show and add Jack Thompson, a conservative radical with a law degree and mixed morals of integrity, and what do you get? Carnage! Well ok, no actual blood was spilled, but it could have assuming these speakers weren't separated by time and space.

Mark Friedler, Game Daily CEO got to the real root of the arguement here which I always find myself coming to. "At the end of the day it's the responsibility of parents to decide what their young kids consume and the responsibility of the parents to know how their kids spend their time."

Dishes are done man, why can't people accept that the level of censorship that Thompson is trying to push shouldn't be up to the government, it should be in the home. If parents believe that their children should not play violent video games, here's a cooky idea, they don't let them play them, we solved that problem right? Right? It doesn't seem that complex for me.

Sure, this new game Bully seems pretty warped but whatever, if people enjoy reliving high school hazings who am I to judge? I won't buy it, and lo and behold the game doesn't affect me at all, wow that was easy.



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