Emperical evidence that the Wii will make you less creepy

If anyone happens to recognize the show it's from I would be most appreciative, because this clearly shows the difference in Wii vs PS3 consumers. Namely, the PS3 buyers are genetically maladjusted spawn. Whereas the standard Wii purchaser is a mildly attractive young Japanese Woman. Which line seems more entertaining to sit in for 3 days?
I assume most people already came to this conclusion without the image. The Wii encompasses fun and energetic new methods of gaming, whereas the PS3 continues the shoddy trend of increasing graphics and stalemating innovative design.
Apparently women are ok with having worse graphics in lieu of interesting gaming. They want to milk cows, swing swords, and blast little creatures hiding under cars. Who can blame them. If you want better graphics go outside, it's been a while but last time I checked those graphics were sick.
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