Gates on Microsoft Vision

So check these glimmering tidbits of "creativity"??? from Bill Gates:
Software is doing vision and so, you know, imagine a game machine where you're just going to pick up the bat and swing it or the tennis racket and swing it.Last time I checked this was quite possible... and possibly the main intent of a next gen system already *cough* Wii *cough*. But I'm just a grunt, maybe I don't understand the whole story. Bill, could you possibly explain how this factoid of your game plan differs from turning on my Wii and rocking out with some tennis?
No, that's not it. You can't pick up your tennis racket. And swing it.Ok, now I'm lost. When delving way back into my childhood (see: those hazy years when I used to go outside), that was called "playing tennis" I'm pretty sure you don't need a microsoft console to do that one, but again, I'm just a grunt, I can't possibly conceive the inner-workings of "the Gates" (see: very similar to the Hasslehoff, but less popular in Germany).
Seriously though, can Microsoft actually intend to branch over into the Wii's territory and claim that they are revolutionizing gaming? That's like saying we settled the America's, which we totally did, you know... if we ignore all the people previously there.
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