Fantastic Aussie Trick

It doesn't get much better than seeing local law enforcement get one-overed because they are too lazy to do their own work. I was pretty sure it was the job of police to catch speeders, not robots. Maybe I'm mistaken.
I could ramble for hours about why speeding isn't worthy of police attention anyways outside of an easy way to rake in capital for the government, but I won't, I'm tired, and bureaucracies piss me off.
I often think police should be taken off "patrol" and do useful things, like find rapists, murderers and pedophiles. I'm also down with cops pulling the trigger ruthlessly on maligned youths who will never be productive members of society, every inmate convicted of a heinous crime waiting patiently for a 1.5 million dollar injection, and people who talk on cell phones when entering a place of business. Hey! Guy on the phone! You're in line, in front of me, wasting my time and the clerk's, talk to the clerk not your BFF Jill, or I'll have to pull out my cell phone (see: shiv) and my BFF Jill (see: large plastic bag) and then take a ride in my car with a big trunk (see: car with a big trunk).
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