MSNBC runs an interesting Live Vote

As an aside, my great grandfather was a Texas Ranger, and he did no round housing of evil-doers.
The actual article the vote was based on is actually fairly interesting, as it deals with non-mythical war masters, namely Ninjas and Monks.
My take on that debate? Well, while I enjoy the combative stylings of ninjas, most of that is as mythical as Chuck Norris. Sure I wouldn't want to me an angry ninja in a back alley, but I also wouldn't want to meet Chuck Norris in a back alley, he'd probably hit me up for cash to buy some smokes and a cheap prostitute. Monks however have lit themselves on fire. That's pretty hardcore. Then there was the sect of Monk that would self-mummify themselves by eat tree bark. I don't know about you, but the attunement between body and spirit is much more scary than a guy with a kama. Atleast you know what to expect from the kama.
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