Japan FTW!

Well there has been a huge push in Japan to get interest in the new Silent Hill movie, though from what has been seen in the cosplay community it has already been embraced by the Otaku.
Well the restaurant "Maid in Japan" clever, has begun it's promotion of the movie release by changing their usual saucy maid outfits to nurse costumes to mimic the dead nurses in the Silent Hill Hospital.
Here's a Silent Hill nurse.

Creepy right? yeah, I thought so too. So here's the maids in "Silent Hill Nurse Garb"

They're just a little different right? Now, I will not complain of course, because these ladies are quite easy on the eyes, and I'm a fan of outfits and dress up (see: fetishes every guy has even if he doesn't admit it), but they could have tried to get their costumes a little closer to the originals. I mean, there isn't even any blood! No blood! Silent Hill is intended to be scary! Not cute and strangely alluring.
So they're not sticking to the canon of the series, yes that sucks, but if I was there I'd pop in. It won't make me see the movie (which was very good btw) but it will make me stop in for some tea. So I guess it'll work out for them.
Again, why doesn't the US do this? Hell, I have half a mind to start my own theme restaurant.
More pics after the jump
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