idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Car Donations err... Veneer Logs, yes! definitely Veneer Logs!

Ok, so in my wanderings recently I found this website calling NicheGeek which seems kind of like a plug for making better money per click with adSense banners and things.

But overall it ends up being a really creepy inside look at the not so commonly reported anals of the internet.

Basically Dmitri (the writer at NicheGeek) did a study to discover what "niche" words were more commonly clicked on on adSense sites in order to increase his revenue from his own. Well, it turns out that common things you would think are popular tend to fall behind the curve when it comes to this wen compared to revolutionary topics like Veneer Logs! Yes, that's right, veneer logs may in fact earn you more money per click than say... morning nsfw. I say not f'ing likely, because, well... asians! But who am I to doubt the numbers?

This dude has in turn made his blog a gutter of randomness, spewing forth all sorts of random things that have dribbled out of the internet's tail pipe and people eat it up and he's rolling in the monies.

Who'd have thought that ATM Machines would be a big seller? I just assumed they were those big honking things that put my hard earned money into my grubby little hands. But people collect them, yep, you can buy used one, who would have thought?

Well check out the site, it's pretty interesting, though sorely depressing that a site with the top article of "Two scopists find a way to turn court records to gold" is out doing me hand over fist. :p but them's the breaks I suppose. I guess the money is in fact not in dick and fart jokes as Kevin Smith would have led us to believe in Chasing Amy.

Oh, and see Clerks 2, you owe it to yourself.



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