Tongue-controlled GBA
Yes, that's right, you too can control your gba with your tongue.
Thanks to the crew over at Simmunity, we see the very first tongue controlled gameboy advance, with the intention of being used by quadriplegic players.
It's about damned time I say, because hell, no one should be deprived video games, even gimps. Everyone should have the chance to play Tactics Ogre GBA, that game is really slick. Next step though, i want someone to make a tongue playable DS, that'd really be awesome, you know, slime covered touch screens, the whole nine yards.
But all joking aside this is actually a really awesome step forward. I think that gaming is a pretty important part of our current age's development seeing as how larger and larger amounts of us are stepping into technical fields after school.
I sure as hell wouldn't have landed my job had I not have a fairly impressive past of gaming binges.
Hopefully we see more things of this nature that enable the unabled to partake in the fruits of our labors. These are the future developers, let them game.

It's about damned time I say, because hell, no one should be deprived video games, even gimps. Everyone should have the chance to play Tactics Ogre GBA, that game is really slick. Next step though, i want someone to make a tongue playable DS, that'd really be awesome, you know, slime covered touch screens, the whole nine yards.
But all joking aside this is actually a really awesome step forward. I think that gaming is a pretty important part of our current age's development seeing as how larger and larger amounts of us are stepping into technical fields after school.
I sure as hell wouldn't have landed my job had I not have a fairly impressive past of gaming binges.
Hopefully we see more things of this nature that enable the unabled to partake in the fruits of our labors. These are the future developers, let them game.
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