idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Square-Enix making a hop into hardware market?

According to a recent report Square-Enix president Yoichi Wada revealed that the company, best known for a slew of console RPG's, is working with hardware developer Taito to make something new in the hardware genre.

"The strategy behind Nintendo and the iPod, to create a new environment based on hardware, is completely valid. But this is impossible if you dont have experience making hardware," Wada said.

"This is one of the reasons Square Enix will collaborate with Taito, a company that produces physical hardware. In our talks with Taito, ideas for an actual physical product have come up. In any case, we will be releasing some 'thing.'"

Taito, acquired by Square-Enix last September, is a manufacturer of arcade hardware such as pocket versions of Space Invaders.

You know, this could be a really awesome thing. I still remember going to the store as a child and picking up Double Dragon the Tiger handheld. I loved that game, and the buttons had the wear to prove it. But now, maybe some lucky child could go to the store and pick up Final Fantasy 1 and play it without needing a system. But maybe, just maybe Square will do one step better and begin making awesome high end hardware, us handheld lovers need more portable RPG'S!



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