idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

360 HD movie downloads trumping Amazon

With this new string of next-gen consoles we have seen a bridge from them being simply gaming machines to fully integrated media tools. Microsoft is attempting to work this angle by allowing the download of High Definition movies via a high speed internet connection and the hard drive. Right now the number of titles available through this service are limited but the ease at which the movies are received seems to be making up for it.

In stark contrast there is who is doing the same thing, only via a Window XP enabled computer and internet connection. This then requires the consumer to connect their computers to their HD televisions or burn the movie to a disc in order to experience the true "HD-ness" of the download.

While Amazon is boasting a much larger collection of movies available they are losing in the race against Microsoft most likely due to the ease at which the 360 integrates everything directly to people's high definition systems.

One tidbit of surprising information is that some box office duds are selling quite well in this medium, namely The Perfect Storm, Unforgiven, and even Swordfish.

I personally understand this outcome, my computer is no where near my TV so that rules out running cables along all the baseboards of my house. Then there's the matter of burning discs. Frankly I hate the idea of needing to burn a disc in order to watch it, plus people would need to ensure they have a good enough burner and all sorts of other hullabaloo. Yes, hullabaloo.

I'll take it the easy way please. *pushes the start download button over the Swordfish icon* Ok, so I'm a sucker for Wolverine pretending to be a computer hacker instead of a grizzled adamantium infused berserking super soldier. Silly silly Hugh Jackman, you're Wolverine now. ^_^;



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