idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Leave it to the French to ding 70 first

A French WoW player, Gullerbone 24, managed to ding the illustrious and newly available level 70 seemingly first out of the throngs of players world wide.

Just 28 hours after the game's release in Europe Gullerbone's mage Gawell was singing the praises of a combined group effort and how fresh the air at the top truly is.

According to Gullerbone his guildmates from Millenium as well as others had a tag-team effort to drag his character up in the levels as quickly as possible.

"Cau (the 1st European lvl 60) and I planned the exp(erience) route step by step, trying everything to make sure it was the most appropriate, the groups organization with the guild Millenium and their members. Each member rotated using a definite order to help me to grind on mobs, mostly with AE, surrounded with several guildmate healers, tanks, pullers etc..."

"Well at first we had only five (during the first 10 hours or so) so that 10 of the members could get to lvl 62. Then in the morning we were 15 in order to kill the mobs at a faster rate. Finally in the evening, everyone was involved and we could gather a 35 man raid to help me in Netherstorm with our new lvl 62 doing most of the job."

I have to say that this is fairly tech. Not for me of course, but fairly tech. I'll just nod and wave to the crowd from my lowly seat as a level 9 mage. But see, I have a job, and friends and a family, all of which gain precedence over an MMO. Thankfully however there are plenty of people who do not have such a rigorous gaming ethic like me, thus allowing us to have crazy stories like this. Congrats Gullerbone, well played cleric.

One more thing, apparently the first thing he said upon slapping the ribbon on the top of the rope? "Je Ding!"

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