The sad face of advertising

If you ever read Wired you've probably seen this debacle of representation. First off, this guy probably doesn't play video games. Secondly, his five o'clock shadow doesn't look like the standard gamers. Think more along the lines of less trim and well kept and hasn't seen the bathroom sink and razor in 5 days. Third, he's dodging... Yes I know that's the point of the ad, the monitor is so life-like that you really feel like you're there... well you know what, the average gamer has become so jilted and warped that nothing really surprises us anymore. If I came home to my girlfriend loading a pump action shotgun and owning the face of our zombified next door neighbors my mind would revert to it's primal gaming state and think "ok, I know how to deal with this situation". Fourth, if you're trying to trump up your monitor being capable of convincing you that there's is evil afoot, or that a car is really about to sideswipe you maybe you shouldn't show the monitor showing box art for an RTS that came out 4 years ago... call me crazy.
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