idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Monday, September 11, 2006

WoW gets a Newsweek note

Recently World of Warcraft hit the news thanks to an article by Newsweek reporter Steven Levey. His article revolves around the genre as a whole and how it has bounded into the lime light in numerous countries.

I think that my favorite sections come at the bottom of the article. First is a quote from Blizzard COO Paul Sams who says, "We are an incredibly profitable company." You can say that again Paul, judging by the boasted 7 million players worldwide and the $15 a month fee I'd say you're not scrounging for dinner at the local Cali soup kitchen.

Past this there is a quote from a random adult female professor.

"Ninety percent of what I do is never finished—parenting, teaching, doing the laundry," says Elizabeth Lawley (Level 60, Troll Priest), a Rochester, N.Y., college professor. "In WOW, I can cross things off a list—I've finished a quest, I've reached a new level."

The fact that the game appeals to such a wide audience is truly a feat in itself. It's very rare that you can play a video game with a 14 year old adolescent, still struggling to grow a beard and oxy-cleaning his face daily, and a 55 year old college professor taking a break between teaching Elizabethan Lit and Modern English Writers.

It's a crazy world we live in, but somehow WoW has managed to forge an unholy bridge. Well done.

Full Article Here



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