idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Greece, not afraid to throw unwanted immigrants into the ocean

Greeks, apparently unafraid of Turkish repercussions, are currently denying that they have been tossing Turkish illegal immigrants found in their waters back over the edge once closer to Turkey.

Recently a group of illegal immigrants of Turkish decent were picked up while boating to Europe by Greek Officials (my assumption is coast guard), brought to the Agean, and tossed back into the waters with no boats. The survivors were later picked up by the Turkish Coast Guard, and brought back to Turkey.

Greece is vehemently denying that they were involved in this. Of course.

The rescued Turks said that the Greeks didn't even ask if they could swim. (My guess, they didn't care)

Here's an idea, if you don't want to get tossed into the ocean stop trying to illegally ship yourselves to other countries. I understand that this is a very inhumane thing to do on the Greek's side, but come on, I'd imagine at some point the coast guard would want to drive the point home of "knock this off, we don't want you up in our junk". Tossing roughly 31 Turks into the Aegean seems like a very poignant message to the rest of them. They will kill you, don't piss them off.

While I find this mildly amusing it is fairly horrible, it'd be like us car bombing trucks we though were carrying illegal immigrants from South America. We probably shouldn't do it though it would be a wake up call.

Personally I don't understand where the line is drawn on who is and who isn't deemed "valuable" enough to be allowed into a new country. I somehow remember this crazy motto:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Well we can most likely make an abridged form of this calling for only other countries' elite, rich, and those with valuable trade skills.

Full article here



Anonymous Anonymous said...

probably some devious turksih trick(dont they use them all the time) to seem good to the EU eyes and make them believe what good people they are and that deserve to enter it without compromising their barbaric attitudes towards killing battering beating women, chasing after kurds violating human rights....hey!!! what are all these?? nothing but saving a few illegal immigrants is!!!!!

4:31 AM  

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