idiosyncrasy Today

Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Scary World News

Today let's branch away from my standard rants on frivolity, gaming, and lewd-news and take a look at the scary world in which we live in.

Story 1:
Iran, yes they've been pissy for quite a long time what with all the fighting with Israel. In a news report today Iran has claimed to have 600 missile targets to immediately fire upon if attacked by Israel. This is possibly coming from talks between the US and Israel to strike at Iran to stop the Islamic republic from gaining nuclear capabilities. And as we've seen elsewhere in the world, the US likes to be the only one with the Hammer of Dawn.

Story 2:
After two explosions in Kirkuk, a northern oil city in Iraq, hundreds are left dead or wounded. (Current tallies stand at 85 dead and 180 wounded). The targets of the attacks seem to be a market place, for maximum carnage points, and the office for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, a Kurdish political party.

Story 3:
US President George Bush says he thinks the US can still "succeed" in Iraq. You know, because they totally want us there, as per all of the car bombings and civil war.

Story 4:
The US House of Representatives has once again voted to pull troops out of Iraq. Now they just need to strong arm the Senate to get past Bush's inevitable veto, seeing as how he doesn't want his pet-project to end.

Excellent, it's a dark time for the world, though in all honesty it probably always is. I'll continue to hide in my comfy house, protected by thin walls, taxes, a leader verging on tyrannical offenses, and tons upon tons of nuclear weapons and soldiers.



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