PS3 gets some high class backing

They state that the PS3 will truly be the most solid of the systems in 2 to 3 years when they plan to release their next wave of A-list titles (Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII).
According to them the PS3 is like going to the movies, whereas the XBOX306 "is watching a DVD at home" and "Wii is a television program".
Though they did go on to say that the ultimate system would be the PS3 with the Wii controller, and seemed upset that Sony has removed the rumble feature from theirs.
Also, they said that the PS3 will most likely flounder for a while, because its price point it too high for a video game system, but in two or three years when the games are there for it it will come around and take control "naturally".
So, my two cents... Kojima, of course he likes the PS3, the Metal Gear games haven't been more than a movie for a long time. I tried playing MGS3, but after the first 3 hours of cinematic and only really playing 25 minutes of mini-game-ish missions I turned it off. Too much like Dragon's Lair for my tastes.
And Nomura, I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan, but the direction the series has been going makes my willy soft. Yes, that's right, soft. Square used to tell me wonderful stories (see: FFVI) and interesting micro-managing of magic (see: FFVII) and now their games are short (see: FFX) and too hell bent on graphics (see: FFX2) to make an engaging storyline. So of course they want the graphical umph of the PS3, so they can continue to put graphics above design, an all too common industry trend.
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