Pirate Bay Seized by Police

So apparently Pirate Bay (http://thepiratebay.org - currently down) , one of the most well known torrent sites, was raided this morning by a fleet of Swedish Police.
This comes as a possible huge blow to the torrent community, as Pirate Bay has been a last bastion of hope in the glimmering darkness of the ever-encroaching rightwing anti-piracy campaigns.
As reported by Slyck News, police went and raided the primary server farm of Pirate Bay this morning at their home in Sweden.
What this basically means for those in the Torrent community is that we will be waiting with baited breath to see if the rather ingenious guys in Sweden manage to finagle their way out of this one. We're all with you PB, don't let the man get you down.
Pirate Bay, established in early 2004 in Sweden has stood out amongst the other current generation of Torrent sites within the community, mostly thanks to their large size and a somewhat strange political backing in Sweden. The Pirate Party, a newly established political party in Sweden was formed under the ideology of weakened intellectual rights which umbrellas such notions as copyrights and patents.
So here's my two cents on the topic. Pirate Bay has a huge backing, both independent and political supporters. The simple idea that they have 2000 hits per second means that they are filthy rich, and have large sums of liquid capital. My idea, they should start buying old oil barges and live the life of true pirates. Laws by countries only extend so far when heading out into the ocean, so they could set up their server farms on multiple oil rigs, which are technically "lawless". Now this would of course require them being able to protect themselves and all, but hey, if they're really pirates that shouldn't be an issue. Perhaps it's just my sci-fi loving childish self that likes the idea of a rogue organization sending out pirated signals across the globe, free of governmental persecution. It's a novel idea, and perhaps one day it will exist. Don't police the internet, it's everyone's not yours.
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