Bandai Recalls Kids Game

Damn I love when adults give toys to children that light on fire. It makes me warm inside. Have fun kids! Don't burn your houses down!
Scathing social commentary meets the gamer generation.
"We are a small community. Someone sent a resume and wanted to meet in SL to discuss job prospects," Jaffe says. "When we met, I realized that we had met before in Second Life when the senior editor of the Harvard Business Review gave a talk on marketing in Second Life." As more of real life pushes into Second Life, corporations and even individuals will tap long-time denizens and gamers for their skills, and Brandon Berger says more work is coming. "We will start to see the need for maintenance, including virtual shopkeepers who need to man the virtual store."Berger, senior strategist at OgilvyInteractive's Digital Innovation unit, has spearheaded numerous hirings from within Second Life giving these individuals the job of completing tasks for some of Ogilvy's online clients.
Overall EA is weighing in fairly heavily with 5 games, all in The Sims IP, in the top 10.
Too bad they don't have all the teenage girls who play The Sims paying $15 a month to watch their Sim go on a date and then get dumped for the prettier girl next door, just like in real life. EA could roll in an even bigger money pit if they figured out how to refer to The Sims as an MMO. You know, allow the players to sit and watch the game play itself while thousands of others around the world also watched the same thing. Talk about riveting gameplay, wow.