Thanks to a creative christian Pastor Marty Baker, of the evangelical Stevens Creek Community Church in Augusta, GA, parishioners no longer have to worry about having cash while at church to fill the donation plate. Now they can simply insert their debit cards directly into an ATM like machine at the church and have it electronically added to their church's holy coffers.
“It’s truly like an ATM for Jesus,” Baker said.
The important thing to know about this is that the Bakers are making money off of this, from percentages of money donated and monthly fees for other churches using their machinery. Likewise a card-processing company makes 1.9% of each transaction made by the machines.
Holy hell, yes, puns galore. Can you honestly believe this? Personally I'm not a religious man, nor do I agree with the idea behind tithing in general. Why does God need money? Can't he just *bamf* money into existence if he needs to pay for a cover charge at his local strip club?
Likewise, I've always felt like money had to get skimmed out of those plates by the pastors/priests/reverends etc... Little Suzy needs braces, taketh from the Lord, he would understand! Sure this is less likely from priests as they cannot have families, but I just assume their skimmed money goes to paying off parents whose children they've molested.
Full Article Here on PandagonShortly after reading this a friend sent me
this link.
This is why I stray away from organized religion as a whole. Yes religion can be a good thing, yes it helps millions of people world wide. But religion has been one of the single largest reasons behind mankind killing eachother.
These people in the video are raising a militia of radical
monodominant children and have the will and potentially the power to force their beliefs on the rest of the country.
I'd hate to see a holy war in the US, it'd be a lot like
Dead Rising, only instead of zombies it would be Becky from next door with a
Pro-Life shirt and a cross painted on her face. Well, Becky is just as susceptible to a close range shotgun blast as Mr. Richardson turned brain eating undead from across the street is, so I'm not too afraid.
Seriously though people, this is the backwards type of thinking that holds back progress and ultimately freedoms. Sure, have religion, but keep it to yourselves. The US is a melting pot of beliefs, and I'll be damned if some bible hugger is going to tell me to shape up or ship out.